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Metal Bar Stool, CF-1025

Product Descriptions :

Metal Bar Stool,DECON designs Bar stools are a type of tall stool, often with a foot rest, which because of their height and narrowness are designed for seating in public or bar. However, Kiandesign Metal Bar Stool are becoming more popular in homes, usually placed at the kitchen counter or at a home bar, while Decon designs new Series of metal bar stool are attractive in look, durable elegant,

There are many different constructions and colors. Bar stools are often made of wood or metal. There are bar stools with and without armrests, back, and padding on the seat surface. Bar stools can range from basic wooden designs to extremely detailed ones with a custom height for the perfect fit. Extra tall and extra short are common features, as well as indoor bar stools and outdoor bar stools. Some bar stools have backs, while most do not.

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