The Wonderful Morning with PUAN SRI DR SUSAN CHEAH, gives me more motivation to contribute more and more towards the society, Thanks to Irene and Edison who give me apportunity to contribute on THE PASSION & COMMITMENT
The Book launch was at Sunway Resort Hotel(Lobby Lounge) on 12 April 2013 9.30am The GUEST OF HONOUR Y.B. Bhg Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor,
A sign of disappointment rose when it was announced the VIP guest of honour Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Dato Mansor was unable to come to launch the book due to last minute election commitments.
In place of the First Lady was Datuk Heng Seai Kie, Advisor to Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and former Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development.
Datuk Heng Seai Kie read Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah’s speech, “I know Malaysia will benefit from your involvement in these books and activities organised under the spirit of patriotism and for the peace, goodwill and harmony.
“The 2 books Passion and Commitment and Peace, Harmony and Goodwill are published for a good cause with sales of both books going to ‘Education Initiative Charity’ or EIC.
“The Prime Minister has given his support for women to attain 30% of top management and directorship positions by 2016. These are godo news for the Wanita!
“These are the wonderful people that make journey of a thousand miles fulfilling and memorable”
“we must become the change we want to see.” by PUAN SEI DR SUSAN CHEAH Executive publisher